“How can I learn Spanish fast?” This second video in our series makes it easy and fun to learn Spanish quickly.
Part 2 includes asking someone to dinner, where to meet, different types of food, and an introduction to telling time in Spanish that also helps learning to count to twelve in Spanish.
Review and repetition are easy when you follow the surprising twists and turns in our entertaining stories. Watch each episode as many times as needed and practice along. Try out your new Spanish phrases with friends. Get ready for success!
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Part 2 – “Where Can We Meet?”
In this episode, two different couples are making plans for a first date. The happy couple decides to meet at a restaurant before going to a concert. Learn about telling time in Spanish as the man imagines his new friend helping him study.
Then, for more practice, speak along with the same scenario featuring a different couple and swapped gender. Learn important differences between genders in Spanish that many beginners miss.
After some practice telling time in Spanish, one person of each couple seems concerned that he or she remember to NOT eat beans when they meet at the restaurant. Are they prone to intestinal gas?
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Purchase the DVD: https://www.rocknlearn.com/collections/other-languages/products/conversational-spanish-for-teens-and-adults-dvd