We’ve added a catchy jingle to this classic game for kids of all ages. Can you find each object when given the starting letter? Sure you can! As they play and sing along, young learners get build skills and confidence for reading success. Please subscribe to Rock ‘N Learn’s YouTube channel for more fun videos posted every week.

I Spy Letters – Part 2 Lyrics

I Spy with my little eye
Something that begins with the letter… E!
Can you find something that starts with “e”?

elf e-e-elf

I Spy with my little eye
Something that begins with the letter… R!
Can you find something that starts with “r”?

rocket r-r-rocket

I Spy with my little eye
Something that begins with the letter… T!
Can you find something that starts with “t”?

tiger t-t-tiger

I Spy with my little eye
Something that begins with the letter… Y!
Can you find something that starts with “y”?

yarn y-y-yarn

I Spy with my little eye
Something that begins with the letter… Q!
Can you find something that starts with “q”?

queen qu-qu-queen

I Spy with my little eye
Something that begins with the letter… W!
Can you find something that starts with “w”?

wagon w-w-wagon

I Spy with my little eye
Something that begins with the letter… U!
Can you find something that starts with “u”?

umbrella u-u-umbrella

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